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‘Growing Closer’

These relationship workshops are designed to give you as a couple, an enjoyable experience of growing closer to each other. Our experience has been that it’s much easier to be disciplined about intentionally working on our  relationship, when we have the support of a group of couples who are doing the same thing.

Couples have said that they love these workshops, because it isn’t just listening and watching, but actually doing something right there and then for your own relationship.

The workshops are skill-based; so, they’re open to couples of any faith or no faith.
They are suitable for couples of any age or any stage of relationship. De facto couples, those exploring marriage, engaged couple or married couples

You can choose to join us every month or decide which workshops you will join, month by month.

The workshops will be led by: Cassius & Marian Soares, who are trained ‘Marriage Coaches’.

The rhythm of learning in each workshop will be: Listen, Watch, Do, Discuss.
We will begin with a brief explanation of key concepts /principles, related to the exercise.
This will be followed by us modelling the exercise, before you as a group.
You will then be invited as couples to do the exercise and practice the skill privately. Each session will have 20 mins set aside for couples to privately work on exercises and engage in conversations around the particular topic for that session. If you have a question or need help with part of the exercise, you can always ask us to join you for a few minutes.
Finally, each session will conclude with a group debrief focused on the process of using the skill and any concepts /principles that you found helpful (not the content of your conversation), as a couple.

Each month, we’ll have a focus on a different topic, which impacts our relationship as a couple.
You don’t have to commit to come every month. Try one and let us know if you’d like to be put on the mailing list to get informed about future workshops.
Some examples of topics would be:

  • Effective Listening – Holding your partner’s heart
  • Effective Asking – Opening your partner’s heart
  • Discovering Desires & a process for Setting Goals together
  • Becoming one another’s cheerleaders in  achieving goals – both personal & for the marriage relationship
  • Having enjoyable & meaningful dates
  • Growing in speaking each other’s love language
  • Working through conflict well
  • Handling stress in your marriage relationship
  • Having fun together
  • Money Talk etc.

Details of our next workshops in September 2023:

Topic: What Helps Your Partner Feel Loved?
Discovering and acting on what helps our partner feel loved, builds deeper connection between us, and keeps our love growing. The challenge is that most people have different ‘love languages’ to their partner. Drawing on the work of Dr. Gary Chapman, this workshop explores five main ways that we communicate our love to others. Although all five ‘love languages are important in couple relationships, one or two of them will communicate love more effectively than the others and help your partner ‘feel loved’. Join us to discover or rediscover your primary ‘love languages, and plan to help your partner feel loved.

Online option over Zoom: 

Date: Wednesday, September 13th,’23 
7.30 – 9 pm

Cost: AUD 20 per couple

To register:  Click here


Could you please let us know if you would like to  be informed about future workshops
If you are interested in joining some of these workshops in future, kindly let us know here and whether you would prefer in-person or online workshops.
Feel free to give us any other related feedback or ask any questions you might have as well. We’re happy to have a chat over the phone, if you wish.

Marian & Cassius