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Relationship Workshops for couples


We’re all aware of how family life and relationships experience a lot of challenges today – whether it be the challenge of economic pressures and work, or technology and our various devices, or simply our busy lives and schedules. We find all these & more can put our family relationships under pressure and pull us apart from each other, if we are not vigilant.

On top this, we have our own personal issues to deal with – like places where we get triggered due to past wounds and dysfunctional communication habits learnt from our own family upbringing.

And then there’s just the trials that life brings – whether it be sickness, things breaking down that need to be fixed, crises in different areas and so on.

Couples need all the encouragement and support we can receive, to keep our relationship a priority and to keep investing in it, so we’re growing closer to each other. Without this intimacy and good processes to guide us, it can be an uphill battle to work through the issues we confront.

Over the last two years, as we’ve run courses for couples, we’ve wanted to offer ongoing support & empowerment to couples, who want to invest in their relationship. Our experience has been that it’s much easier to be disciplined about intentionally working on our relationship, when we have the support of a group of couples who are doing the same thing.

This month, I request your prayers for us and the couples who have /will be attending these workshops. That we will experience God’s grace and wisdom and courage to keep our relationship a priority and to keep growing closer to one another.

You can read more about these workshops here: https://www.kerygma.org.au/opportunities/growing-closer

Image by Mircea – See my collections from Pixabay