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‘The Exploring Marriage Course’ Online

‘The Exploring Marriage Course’ Online is a series of 5 sessions designed to help couples build strong foundations for your future, by equipping you with the attitudes & practical skills you will need – like learning to communicate well, appreciating your differences, exploring beliefs & values, embracing commitment and building a healthy & supportive relationship. Together, we will watch a film about these topics over zoom, broken up by times for discussion as a couple. And all your conversations are completely private; there’s no group work.

It’s for any couple – whether you’re exploring marriage, already engaged or living together. Whatever your current situation, the course gives you the opportunity to think about and invest in your long-term future. While based on Christian principles, it’s designed for all couples – whether or not you have a faith background. Many couples who don’t usually attend church have loved the course & found it highly beneficial to their relationship.

The 5 sessions that make up the course, cover key topics important for building a healthy marriage:

– Communication
– Conflict
– Commitment
– Connection
– Adventure

To get the most out of the course, you are also invited to individually fill out a couple survey before the course and meet with a married couple on team at the end of the course, to go through the results of your survey together. The survey is NOT a compatibility test; rather it will raise your awareness as a couple about issues that you will benefit from discussing, prior to marriage. You are free to start talking about these statements as soon as you have both submitted your answers. And this can be helpful, as it begins to raise topics that will be covered on the course.

Join ‘The Exploring Marriage Course’ to build strong foundations for your life together. And not just stay together, but grow and thrive as a couple.

Led by: Cassius & Marian Soares

When: Fridays 7.30-9.20 pm, Oct.30th – Nov.27th

For more info: email us

To sign up: click here https://www.trybooking.com/BMAGX

Listen to couples share their experiences of the course