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Week of Prayer 2023

Over the last couple of years, we’ve taken the opportunity to pray together in different churches across the city of Whitehorse (Melbourne) in the week leading up to Pentecost, as part of observing the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’.

This year the dates are from May 22nd -26th. Each prayer service commences at 7.30pm at a different venue each night as per the schedule (see pic).

If you’re in a church in the Whitehorse area, we encourage you to join at least one of these times & if possible, all of them. If you plan on joining, you are requested to register at: https://whitehorsechurchescare.org.au/prayer . This helps with planning for hospitality on the nights, as well as to celebrate your participation.

Please pray: that God will continue to knit our hearts together, that He might be glorified, that we might be better witnesses of His Kingdom, and that more people might be drawn into His Kingdom as a result.