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Week of Prayer Walking – Oct.’22

Over the last few months since April, I’ve been representing St. Ben’s Catholic Church at the pastors and prayer leaders meetings of ‘Whitehorse Churches Care’. This is a role in my work with ‘Kerygma Australia’, which I really enjoy, because it brings together many areas which are core to our call as ‘Kerygma’ and my own personal call:
– Serving the work of renewal of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church
– Fostering relational unity among leaders and members of different Christian traditions
– Working together as Christians to incarnate Jesus’ presence & love in the communities around us

‘Whitehorse Churches Care’ is a great example of what it can look like, when Christian leaders intentionally take time to build loving relationships with each other and seek ways to collaborate together to serve the communities around us, with the love of Jesus.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to be part of and support WCC and its various projects.

One of the initiatives coming up is the second annual Week of Prayer Walking, when many  churches in the Whitehorse Council area of Melbourne are joining together again to pray for our city, as we walk our streets. If you live in Melbourne, please join us in this week of prayer walking (Oct. 4th-11th), even if you don’t live in the Whitehorse Council area.

Participating can be as simple as praying for people & places in your suburb, as you walk your kids home from school or while doing a lap of the street where you live.
If prayer walking is new for you, you will find a number of helpful resources here

We will launch the week with an event to inspire us as we begin this week of prayer walking our city at St. Ben’s on  Tuesday, Oct.4th @ 7.30 pm.
Address: St. Benedict’s Catholic Church, 301 Warrigal Rd, Burwood VIC 3125.

If you are joining us in prayer walking our city, please register your participation using this QR code, to help the organisers understand how many are participating:

You can also register & find out more about the Week of Prayer here

Please pray with me for this initiative, as God leads you. And if you sense any words from God, please do let me know. Thank you!