The Danger of A Single Story


Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. In this TedTalk, novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice – and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

I find there are some key truths /principles in this talk, which also apply to other discussions which are currently happening in our world:

  • Judgment toward (or Rejection of) other cultures & races
  • Relationship between Christians of different churches
  • Historical figures or incidents
  • How some peoples & cultures can unwittingly portray themselves simply as victims of injustice, without sharing other aspects of their story, which highlight their gifts, accomplishments etc.
  • How religion and the Christian religion in particular, is viewed nowadays, in western cultures.

Many times, the overarching story that we hear is one-sided and tells only certain stories which cast ourselves /our group into a favourable light. Or which suit us, because it supports our point of view.

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What’s your understanding of the church?

The Bible uses various images to describe the church, to help us understand its many facets. When I came across this meme a few years back, it stayed with me, because it helped me better understand the church as a type of ‘spiritual gym’ which I am a part of, because it’s a space where I can receive God and other people’s help, to keep working on my many dysfunctions and become healthier over time. It also helps overcome false images of the church – like the understanding that it is an exclusive club for those who claim to be perfect or morally superior than others.

Growing in a Relationship of Mercy as couples

Through experiencing my wife’s love when I fail /least deserve it, has made me more grateful for our relationship, because it has taken away the fear of being punished /rejected for my failures. I also feel closer to her as a result. And it has helped me to become more merciful myself.

Witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection

The theme of ‘witnesses’ – people who’ve experienced something – speaks to something that is really distinctive to the Christian faith. Christianity is not a philosophy – though it can incorporate philosophy; it’s not primarily a mysticism – though it can incorporate mysticism; it’s not a religion that comes welling up out of natural experience – though it can accommodate that. Christianity is about something that happened; and there were witnesses of it. Without that, Christianity falls apart.