When even good things become a burden!
The other day I was chatting with a friend who’s spent a lot of time and effort in decorating his place for Christmas. He made this interesting comment: It’s become an addiction! I can’t stop thinking about it and wanting to do more.
What makes me vulnerable to addictions? What is it that corrupts even the beautiful things of life that belong to celebrations? Gifts, decorations, meals, parties can be wonderful expressions of joy and celebration. But they can so easily become twisted and instead end up becoming burdens of heavy expectations which weigh me down; addictions that drive me and rob me of joy.
I have come to realise more and more, that when I seek to fill the longings of my heart (e.g. for joy, peace, belonging, love, adventure, significance etc.) with outcomes /things /relationships, it tends to backfire and I get even less of what I want. I need to go back to the Source – the only one who can satisfy the longings of my heart, in a relationship of love and trust – God himself.