Food For Your Heart

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What’s your understanding of the church?

The Bible uses various images to describe the church, to help us understand its many facets. When I came across this meme a few years back, it stayed with me, because it helped me better understand the church as a type of ‘spiritual gym’ which I am a part of, because it’s a space where I can receive God and other people’s help, to keep working on my many dysfunctions and become healthier over time. It also helps overcome false images of the church – like the understanding that it is an exclusive club for those who claim to be perfect or morally superior than others.


Witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection

The theme of ‘witnesses’ – people who’ve experienced something – speaks to something that is really distinctive to the Christian faith. Christianity is not a philosophy – though it can incorporate philosophy; it’s not primarily a mysticism – though it can incorporate mysticism; it’s not a religion that comes welling up out of natural experience – though it can accommodate that. Christianity is about something that happened; and there were witnesses of it. Without that, Christianity falls apart.


Evidence of the Resurrection

What is the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead? I want to focus on just one feature that John the Apostle especially draws attention to in his gospel account – namely, the burial cloths left behind in the tomb.


Renewal in our journey to the destination of love

This year, we have a rare occurrence, where Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday coincide. Some see these two occasions as competing and conflicting with one another. How can celebrating Valentine’s Day – which is often associated with special gifts and food – go together with Ash Wednesday – which is a day of fasting and abstinence? I would like to propose that this is actually a God-sent opportunity to give us a deeper insight about – and perhaps a bit of correction to – the beliefs we hold about each occasion. For both occasions call us to: Renewal in our journey to the destination of love.


The Chosen

If you haven’t yet watched ‘The Chosen’, I encourage you to consider viewing it in this New Year. It will help you see Jesus as so much more relatable.


What Makes Jesus Relatable?

As I shared in a recent post, it’s only been in recent years, that the reality of Jesus being fully man and the importance of that has come home to me. Why is it so important that Jesus was & is fully human too; and not only fully God? The short answer is that He


Celebrating Christmas in the midst of war, suffering and grief

Have you ever heard the original lyrics of the song “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”? Have you listened to the lyrics carefully? It’s not exactly the blissful naiveté of “Deck the Halls”. It’s much more real and raw than that. Many of us are familiar with the children’s version of the Christmas story,


God’s compassion for you is central to the gift of Christmas

If God wanted to simply tell us a message of give us an example, he could have sent someone else.  The one thing he could do by coming to us, is to be with us in our suffering. In other words, he has compassion on you; he wants to be with you in what we’re