Food For Your Heart

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30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim world 2024

Friends, As Muslims pray during the month of Ramadan, let’s join millions of Christians worldwide in 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World from March 10th – April 8th, 2024. You can of course, also keep praying for these peoples throughout the year, even if you missed these dates or some of these days.


Happy Lent!

We might not think of Lent as a “happy” time, but that’s the way God thinks about this season. He looks forward to it!


Renewal in our journey to the destination of love

This year, we have a rare occurrence, where Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday coincide. Some see these two occasions as competing and conflicting with one another. How can celebrating Valentine’s Day – which is often associated with special gifts and food – go together with Ash Wednesday – which is a day of fasting and abstinence? I would like to propose that this is actually a God-sent opportunity to give us a deeper insight about – and perhaps a bit of correction to – the beliefs we hold about each occasion. For both occasions call us to: Renewal in our journey to the destination of love.


The Story of Brother Roger and Taizé

Without humiliating anyone, without becoming a symbol of denial for anyone, Brother Roger believed that it is possible to embrace within oneself the attention to the word of God so profoundly lived in the Reform tradition, the treasures of the spirituality of the Orthodox tradition, and all the charisms of communion of the Catholic Church, all the while, daily putting one’s trust in the mystery of faith.


The Ecumenical Journey of St. John XXIII

The new pope is…like the son of Jacob who, meeting with his brothers, showed them the tenderness of his heart and, bursting into tears, said, “I am Joseph, your brother.” Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, seventy-seven years old and newly installed as Pope John XXIII, surprised the crowds gathered for his coronation Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica when he spoke these words directly to them. Rarely had a pope used such personal language before.


The Life and Work of Fr. Paul Couturier

As we prepare to observe the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’ in the Northern Hemisphere from Jan.18th-25th, it’s a good time to remember the legacy of a Catholic pioneer, who worked for unity in the ‘Body of Christ’ – Fr. Paul Courtier.


Is God real? Or a fiction of my imagination?

I want to share a bit of my story with you today. I grew up with a very nominal & cultural Catholic faith – one which introduced me to the external practices of the Catholic faith and religion. Regrettably, it didn’t accompany me into experiencing and developing a personal relationship with God.

Week of Prayer 2023

Over the last couple of years, we’ve taken the opportunity to pray together in different churches across the city of Whitehorse (Melbourne) in the week leading up to Pentecost, as part of observing the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’. This year the dates are from May 22nd -26th. Each prayer service commences at 7.30pm

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim world

Friends, As Muslims begin the month of Ramadan today, let’s join millions of Christians worldwide in 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World from March 22nd – April 20th, 2023. You can learn more about this prayer movement, which has been running for more than 30 years here: Their well-produced and affordable ‘prayer

Relationship Workshops for couples

It’s easy to neglect our most significant relationship in the busyness of life and slowly drift apart as a couple. Suddenly you realise that you’re just living together and taking care of stuff, and losing the connection, romance and enjoyment of your relationship.