Happy Lent!
We might not think of Lent as a “happy” time, but that’s the way God thinks about this season. He looks forward to it!
We might not think of Lent as a “happy” time, but that’s the way God thinks about this season. He looks forward to it!
If you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith as a Catholic or a Christian from another faith tradition, here’s two resources that you might want to consider
Today the Catholic Church celebrates Ash Wednesday and the beginning of a fresh season of Lent, in preparation for the remembrance of Jesus’ Passion and the celebration of his Resurrection at Easter. Holy Week & Easter remind us of the great love of God, seen in Jesus’ birth, suffering, death and resurrection for us –
In Luke 1:4, we read Luke writing to Theophilus “it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may know the truth concerning the things of which you have been informed (katēcheō).” Katēcheō (Greek.): means to “instruct”
Some Christians struggle with the titles that the Catholic Church has given to Mary. This article seeks to bring understanding about where the Catholic Church is coming from, by explaining what one such title means and its roots in the Bible. Mary, Mother of God Today (Jan.1st), the Catholic Church celebrates the ‘Solemnity of Mary,
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