- A way forward on the subject of Mary?
- Jesus – Historical Figure of Myth?
- Where Will Your Focus Be in 2025?
- Learning to wait – and with hope
- Finding that happiness that we all long for
- What’s your understanding of the church?
- Growing in a Relationship of Mercy as couples
- Witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection
- Evidence of the Resurrection
- A big piece in God’s response to the presence of suffering and evil in our world
- Happy Lent!
- It’s Valentines Day!
- Renewal in our journey to the destination of love
- Love Your Enemies?
- Go An Extra Mile?
- The Story of Brother Roger and Taizé
- Give Your Undergarment As Well?
- Turn The Other Cheek?
- Turn The Other Cheek: The Radical Case for Non-Violent Resistance
- The Ecumenical Journey of St. John XXIII
- Where am I enslaved to anger and violence in my heart?
- How am I (and you) contributing to injustice, conflict and war?
- The Life and Work of Fr. Paul Couturier
- Interested in diving deeper into the Word of God?
- The Chosen
- What Makes Jesus Relatable?
- God’s preferred style of approaching us is characterized by hiddenness and littleness
- Celebrating Christmas in the midst of war, suffering and grief
- God’s compassion for you is central to the gift of Christmas
- What’s the difference between being righteous and self-righteous?
- How does Christian Tradition explain Jesus being fully God and fully man?
- Is God real? Or a fiction of my imagination?
- When even good things become a burden
- The Danger of A Single Story
- Unity in Diversity
- An Anointed Leader to Bring Us All Together
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022
- Becoming honest in prayer
- The longings of our heart
- How do we come to a place of mental assent and of faith?
- Missions – A Core Calling of ‘Kerygma’
- Step out in courageous love like the poor widow
- Committing ourselves afresh to the journey towards freedom
- How did God come to exist?
- Why ‘praying your desire’ works
- Why did God make bad germs?
- Is God bigger than an elephant?
- Heart, Hope and Skills for a healthy couple relationship
- What do we do with Australia Day?
- What is the biblical root of ‘catechism’?
- What does it mean to ‘pray your desire’?
- Partnerships – A core value of ‘Kerygma’
- A Journey of Prayer over the next eight days
- Intro to the theme for the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021’ – part 2
- Intro to the theme for the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021’ – part 1
- The Monastic Community of Grandchamp
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021
- An unexpected source of energy
- What does love for others look like, in the messy circumstances of life?
- Growing in the love of God leads to relational unity
- Mary, Mother of God
- Discovering the real blessing
- Tuning into the song of God’s love for you
- Life, unedited: Jesus doesn’t need to be made relevant
- Christmas is for everyone
- What makes a family holy?
- Learning to ‘see’ with my heart
- A love to celebrate
- When you feel like a ‘DIY Fail’
- An inner journey of the heart